@ hujung jari jemari

Sunday, October 25, 2009

friendship = dostana

knowin a fwen a fwen like u has made me epi in a million ways..
and if ever i hav i hav 2 let u go...
i wut find a million reason make u stay!

ur a mate with a heart of gold.
how much u mean to me can never be told.
ur some1 2 b talked about so swet n true.
one in a million tats u...

every time i hear my message tone,
i always hope one of them comes from u.
my lhone has limited memory but...
my heart has inlimited space 4 some1 like u...

time ni, 'die' kawan paling dekat dgn aku... paling dekat di samping, n paling dekat di hati. ;-P sowi ma fwen yg len2... korg jugak sentiase d ati.. tapi 'die' ni spesel sikit... sikit jew... paham2 la ekk.


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